In Abundance: An Analysis of the Thriving Landscape of Collective Giving in the U.S.
New National Research Report from the Johnson Center, Colmena-Consulting, and Philanthropy Together
In Abundance: An Analysis of the Thriving Landscape of Collective Giving in the U.S. explores the transformative impact of collective giving on philanthropy. Practiced in cultures all around the world, collective giving brings people together to pool their resources, including time, talent, treasure, testimony, and ties — often referred to as the 5Ts. Groups like giving circles, SVP chapters, giving projects, and nonprofit-led circles have long served as democratic and philanthropic learning hubs — bringing historically marginalized voices into philanthropic decision-making spaces, challenging preconceived notions of who is considered a philanthropist, and elevating members as integral actors in our sector’s efforts to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in giving.
A partnership between the Johnson Center, Colmena-Consulting, and Philanthropy Together, this report underscores collective giving groups’ role in reshaping philanthropic practices, fostering social connections, and amplifying the voices of marginalized communities.
Key Findings
The latest landscape study of collective giving, In Abundance shows that participation in collective giving has grown to 4,000 groups contributing over $3.1 billion — more than doubling its impact in seven years. This not only fuels greater civic engagement, but also fosters improved mental well-being while bridging political divides.
1. Collective giving is democratizing and diversifying philanthropy.
2. Collective giving greatly expands what gets funded.
3. Collective giving pushes the bounds of how philanthropy is practiced.
4. Collective giving deeply impacts members themselves.
5. Collective giving is a catalyst for social cohesion and change.
Watch the Webinar
How has the field of collective giving shifted in response to recent world events? What is the impact of being in a collective giving group? Who is part of this movement?
Watch as lead researchers Dr. Adriana Loson-Ceballos and Dr. Michael D. Layton, along with Sara Lomelin, Isis Krause, and Ilyasah N. Shabazz of Philanthropy Together, discuss exciting key findings from the report.
Recorded April 2, 2024
New Report on the Typology of Collective Giving Groups
Watch the Release Webinar
Hear directly from Johnson Center’s Michael D. Layton, Ph.D., and Philanthropy Together’s Isis Krause, co-authors of Patterns in the Tapestry, as they delve into the seven archetypes of collective giving groups. This session provides interested and existing members and leaders of giving circles, SVP chapters, and other collective giving groups with a walkthrough of the practical framework highlighted in this report.
There has been significant growth in the popularity of and infrastructure available to collective giving groups since 2016, including the creation of the Global Giving Circle Directory. The combination of the pandemic and mobilization against racism has also prompted significant shifts in how groups operate and what they fund.
New research was used to produce an updated national landscape study of giving circles across the U.S. and document the diversity of the giving circle movement. It will also help to:
- Develop a typology of giving circles and other forms of collective giving
- Deepen our understanding of the giving circle life cycles
- Identify how host organizations can more effectively support and encourage collective giving
This report more accurately captures the contours of the evolving movement and the potential of collective giving across the philanthropic ecosystem for advancing equity.
About the Researchers
Michael D. Layton, Ph.D.
Dr. Michael Layton holds the W.K. Kellogg Community Philanthropy Chair — the nation’s first endowed chair focused on community philanthropy — at the Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy at Grand Valley State University. As a researcher, teacher, director, advocate, and consultant, he has worked closely with a mix of community philanthropy organizations throughout the Americas and brings to his position a nuanced understanding of the unique challenges and capacities of community philanthropy to act as a catalyst in promoting community-led development and in strengthening the local context for philanthropy. Dr. Layton has taught at both Wesleyan and Yale Universities, and also founded and directed the Philanthropy and Civil Society Project at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) in Mexico City, where he developed a groundbreaking research and advocacy program to understand and strengthen philanthropy and civil society. Michael is currently working with Philanthropy Together on a national landscape of giving circles to improve practice and enhance DEI in national reports of philanthropy. Learn More.
Adriana Loson-Ceballos, Ph.D.
Dr. Adriana Loson-Ceballos is a seasoned consultant specializing in evaluation, research, and fundraising. She co-founded Colmena-Consulting, a cooperative of consultants with marginalized identities, focusing on social justice values in philanthropy. With over a decade of fundraising experience, Adriana brings a unique perspective to her work, bridging grantee voices with decision-makers in philanthropy. Her participatory approach to evaluation and research, rooted in critical theories, amplifies community voices often sidelined in decision-making processes. Adriana’s commitment to collective action is reflected in her role as an evaluator for Philanthropy Together and her participatory evaluations of initiatives like the LatinXCEL Fund and the Latino Giving Circle Network. Her doctoral research on Latino giving circles and national research on collective giving demonstrate her dedication to amplifying marginalized voices in philanthropy. Adriana also volunteers on global philanthropy boards, the Women’s Funding Network and Social Venture Partners International, promoting social justice and empowerment worldwide. Learn More.