Jennifer A. Drake, Ph.D.

Acting Provost & Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

As chief academic officer, the provost is responsible for articulation of the university's vision of academic distinction; the development and administration of academic programs; policies relating to instruction, curriculum, and continuing education; faculty and academic staff appointments and performance assessments; and scholarship and community service initiatives among faculty.


Jennifer A. Drake, Ph.D., is acting provost and executive vice president for the Division of Academic Affairs at Grand Valley State University. She joined GVSU in 2020 and served as Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences until her current appointment. In her work, Dr. Drake has prioritized enhancing student engagement and success; creating and sustaining strong academic programs; supporting faculty and staff professional development; promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion; collaborating with community partners; and ensuring accountability to stakeholders.

The Division of Academic Affairs fosters a vibrant intellectual community to create and deliver exceptional academic and co-curricular programs and services. The Division’s work encourages and supports students, faculty, and staff towards achievement of their educational and professional goals, through robust planning, assessment, and improvement processes.