Data Disaggregation Campaign

Do you see us?

The Johnson Center is leading a campaign to enable communities to see themselves in state data — data that researchers, nonprofit organizations, foundations, policymakers, and others use to direct resources to reach the areas of greatest need.

Specifically, our campaign encourages all state agencies to adopt uniform race and ethnicity data collection standards — including adding a “Middle Eastern or North African” category, and putting all categories in a single question with the option to “select all that apply.” We also urge the state to make this data publicly available at a community level across Michigan.

This campaign is supported by the Leadership Conference Education Fund.

Disaggregation Nation Resources
Data Equity Summit
Hosted by the Data Disaggregation Action Network & the Leadership Conference Education Fund
Landscape Report - 2024 Update
Disaggregation Nation: A Landscape Review of State Race & Ethnicity Data Collection
Partner Organizing Toolkit
Community Partner Toolkit on Equitable Race & Ethnicity Data Collection


Disrupting Data Injustice

Renée Cummings is a leading data ethicist, criminologist, and criminal justice consultant who serves as the first Data Ethicist in Residence at the University of Virginia. In this engaging presentation, Professor Cummings highlights the challenges and responsibilities we have when it comes to ensuring our technologies are safe, trustworthy, inclusive, and ethical.

Watch the Campaign Kick-Off Event

At our campaign kick-off in May 2024, we gathered in Detroit with campaign collaborators and state leaders, alongside nonprofit and philanthropic partners, to advance the data disaggregation campaign through listening and learning sessions.

Recorded May 2, 2024

Seeking Equity Outdoors

Explore how the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) used new datasets and maps to locate ‘opportunity communities’ for its Spark Grants program.

Learn More

Michigan Department of Natural Resources logo


Campaign Kick-Off Event Photos