11 Trends in Philanthropy for 2025 Webinar
February 12, 2025 @ 2:00 pm–3:00 pm EST

A conversation about sector trends and how they’re impacting your work
11 Trends in Philanthropy for 2025, the Johnson Center’s ninth annual trends report, will be released on January 15, 2025! Our coverage of key themes, shifts, and movements in the field always aims to help practitioners anticipate and embrace what’s next. Subscribe to the Johnson Center’s email newsletter to make sure you receive the report straight to your inbox!
It’s remarkable to think that five years have passed since the world first went into lockdown. Five years since the COVID-19 pandemic reshaped our daily lives and presented us with challenges unlike any we’d faced before. Half a decade later, we’re left to reflect on how much has truly changed — and what remains the same.
11 Trends in Philanthropy for 2025 explores many of the issues, tensions, and opportunities that philanthropy faces today — attempting to look beyond the pendulum swing and into a future where innovations in philanthropy and community-building may yet achieve the transformations we all hope to see.
Join a panel of field experts for an engaging exploration of the latest trends in philanthropy and their relevance to the daily work of nonprofits, foundations, donors, advisors, community members, and others.
- Learn about specific key trends and macro-level forces shaping — and being shaped by — philanthropy practitioners and colleagues in other sectors.
- Hear from leading voices advocating on behalf of the sector and communities – with lawmakers, funders, regulators, and others – to contextualize upcoming debates, tax code rewrites, and more.
- Think about how these trends will affect your work and relationships in the year and years ahead.
- Aisha Benson, CEO of Nonprofit Finance Fund
- Aaron Dorfman, executive director of the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
- Allen Smart, rural philanthropy expert
Moderator: Lesley D. Slavitt, executive director of the Johnson Center for Philanthropy
Price: Free
Format: Virtual
Aisha Benson is president and CEO of Nonprofit Finance Fund (NFF). A community development finance professional and industry thought leader with 29 years of experience, Aisha came to NFF from TruFund Financial Services where, as EVP and COO, she oversaw multi-disciplinary teams related to the delivery of lending services, tax credit deployment, and advisory programs across TruFund’s footprint. Prior to TruFund, Aisha held community development finance roles at Carver Federal Savings, Banco Popular, and JP Morgan Chase. She has directly deployed $130 million in New Market Tax Credit (NMTC) funding and $300 million in loan and grant capital to low-income communities. Benson holds a B.A. in Psychology, Cum Laude from Columbia University, a certificate in Social Impact Management and Leadership from the Institute for Nonprofit Practice, and a certificate through a Citi/OFN Sponsored Leadership Training Program for CDFI Executives at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Aaron Dorfman has been executive director of the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy since 2007. Before joining NCRP, Dorfman served for 15 years as a community organizer with two national organizing networks, spearheading grassroots campaigns to improve public education, expand public transportation for low-income residents and improve access to affordable housing. He holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from Carleton College (where he studied under the late Senator Paul Wellstone) and a master’s degree in philanthropic studies from the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University. Dorfman frequently speaks and writes about the importance of diversity in philanthropy, the benefits of foundation funding for advocacy and community organizing, and the need for greater accountability and transparency in the philanthropic sector.
Allen Smart is a rural philanthropy expert who regularly consults with regional and national foundations on rural and philanthropic strategy. As part of his personal and professional interest in philanthropy, Allen regularly writes for sites such as The Daily Yonder and Inside Philanthropy, as well as presenting to national and regional organizations like Philanthropy Missouri, Indiana Philanthropy Alliance, and the federal Office of Rural Health Policy.
Please Note: This webinar will be recorded and shared publicly online after the live session.
Questions about this event or your registration?
Call 616-331-7585 or email jcp@gvsu.edu.