2011 National Summit on Family Philanthropy

Charity Begins at Home: Families Rebuilding Communities
The inaugural National Summit on Family Philanthropy was held in Grand Rapids, Mich., on May 19 and 20, 2011, led by the Founding Frey Foundation Chair for Family Philanthropy, Dr. Michael Moody.
The theme of the event, “Charity Begins at Home: Families Rebuilding Communities,” was focused on place-based family giving and was a topic of particular importance as families play a catalytic role in community recovery and holistic local development.
Participants helped craft strategic recommendations for the field to help other families do the essential work of improving and sustaining their communities.
Speakers Included:
Rob Collier
Richard DeVos, Sr.
David Egner
David Frey
Mary Galeti
Elenore Garton
Greg Giornelli
Richard DeVos, Sr.
David Egner
David Frey
Mary Galeti
Elenore Garton
Greg Giornelli
Lillian C. Giornelli
Kate Guidj
Valerie Jacobs
Dottie Johnson
Reginald Jones
Dori Kreiger
Kate Guidj
Valerie Jacobs
Dottie Johnson
Reginald Jones
Dori Kreiger
John Pepper
William S. White
Kate Pew Wolters
Erick Stewart
Tom Tierney
Betsy Upton Stover
William S. White
Kate Pew Wolters
Erick Stewart
Tom Tierney
Betsy Upton Stover
Plenary Discussion
Dorothy A. “Dottie” Johnson moderates a panel discussion on family philanthropy with Richard DeVos, Sr., David Frey, and Kate Pew Wolters.
Selected Highlights
Erick Stewart, co-advisor of the J.E.C.K.S. Fund at the Battle Creek Community Foundation, shares the values that have guided his family for several generations.
John E. Pepper, Jr., chairman of the board for the Walt Disney Company, warns of the pitfalls of ignoring “red flags” in an organization.
William S. White, president and CEO of the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, encourages foundations to seize the opportunities all around them.
Event Sponsors:
The Frey Foundation
Clark Hill
Merrill Lynch – The Iles Group