Social Movement Hashtags Propelling Philanthropy

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#IceBucketChallenge #GivingTuesday #BringBackOurGirls #BlackLivesMatter #AmINext #LoveWins #Fightfor15
Social media is increasingly growing to be a critical part of effective social change efforts locally and globally. The hashtags above are just a fraction of those that, in the last few years, have driven momentum towards their intended goals. This social media tool has gained increasing importance in the philanthropy world and there is evidence that it works.
In just a short few weeks, the Ice Bucket Challenge raised $118 million in unrestricted dollars for ALS research and programming in just eight weeks — exceeding all its previous fundraising efforts combined. These hashtag conversations create unity and movement for or against causes or issues. Some have increased funding or awareness to a cause and others may have even influenced congress. They are more than a new communication tool; they create their own social movement economy — varying in value by their impact. These are the drivers of conversations and action within and for philanthropic movements around the globe.
Although a social media campaign igniting movements cannot replace the hard work of foundations and nonprofits, there is little room to dispute its opportunity to give voice to significant issues and communities around the world.