Philanthropy Will Be On the Front Lines of Climate Change
As the effects of climate change grow, nonprofits and funders will play key roles in disaster response, mitigation, prevention, and policy.
As the effects of climate change grow, nonprofits and funders will play key roles in disaster response, mitigation, prevention, and policy.
We’ve redesigned The Grantmaking School’s entire curriculum to better embed equity and inclusion within each of our professional development courses for donors and grantmakers.
PEAK Grantmaking’s Melissa Sines shares resources to help grants management professionals and others advance change toward greater equity.
Volume 12, issue 2 of The Foundation Review explores context and the importance of understanding the bigger picture in philanthropy.
More and more, philanthropic infrastructure organizations are collaborating and combining efforts, but we must acknowledge both the pros and cons of this shift.
In this post originally published by PEAK Grantmaking, Teri Behrens explores the difficulties in getting high quality, useful grantmaking evaluations.
Johnson Center team member Emily Brenner reflects on the many ways her work has changed since the onset of COVID-19, and shares some of the self-care practices she has implemented since working from home.
Jeff Williams presents a series of financial simulations that may help sector leaders determine whether or not to dip into their endowments this year to help with their economic recovery efforts.
This issue of The Foundation Review (vol. 12, iss. 1) offers timely suggestions for foundations seeking to respond effectively in challenging times.
Philanthropic funding in support of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals is increasing, but there is still a projected $2.5 trillion funding gap.